Latest Past Events

Special Guest Steve Hoffman @ Reach Church 10am

Reach Church 2201 W Old Yankton Cir, Sioux Falls

Join us March 13th as District Superintendent Steve Hoffman will be bringing us the Sunday morning message as we celebrate 3 years as Reach Church! As many of you know, The Church of the Nazarene has been serving the Sioux Falls community for several years and we are grateful for those who have also contributed to this denomination. However, Reach Church officially underwent a mission and vision change on March 10, 2013 and has continued to grow into the church we are today. Come celebrate with us and join us for lunch following the service!

War Room Series Week 5 The Community Heart 10am @ Reach Church

What happens when we fight with those we love? Dumb question, right? But what happens when we take that fight to prayer? Not only does our marriage or family benefit, but so can every other relationship when we build a prayer strategy for transforming lives...especially ours. Join us this week as we start our new series, "War Room." Over the next 5 weeks will explore 5 conditions of the heart shaped by prayer and will suggest one prayer strategy each week to help transform us, our marriage, or any other relationship.